Time: 6.30pm - 8.00pm
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, LSE campus
Organisers: Kyle Moore (SRC, LSE) and Jon Danielsson (SRC, LSE)
Speakers: Jon Danielsson (Systemic Risk Centre, LSE), Casper de Vries (Erasmus School of Economics), Dan di Bartolomeo (Northfield Information Services, Inc), Philipp Hartmann (Head of Directorate General Research of the European Central Bank) and Mark Flood (Research Principal, Office of Financial Research, US Treasury).

George Santayana remarked “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. Regulation following economic collapse has often been a precursor to calamity and this debate explores regulation’s role in financial crises.

The suggested hashtag for this event for Twitter users is: #LSESRC
Photographs from the event are now available to view here.

This event is generously supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) [grant number ES/K002309/1].