Launched in July 2015, the SRC report Systemic Risk: What Research Tells Us and What We Need to Find Out elaborates on the key elements of the Systemic Risk Centre's research programme - endogenous risk, amplification mechanisms, crisis prevention and mitigation, and policy responses, and describes some of the initial findings and policy recommendations.
Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the SRC has been established at the heart of the world’s main financial centre to define the emerging field of systemic risk, to investigate the risks that may trigger the next financial crisis and to develop practical tools to help policy-makers and private institutions become better prepared.
The SRC Magazine can be read online or downloaded as a PDF.
In the print version, the label of the red curve in Figure 3 on page 12 should be 'risk-sensitive capital' and the blue curve should read 'non-risk sensitive capital'. The PDF and online versions have been corrected.

Systemic Risk Centre: A decade of discovery is the second magazine of the SRC and was launched in May 2024. It celebrates over 10 years of research at the Centre as well as the people who were involved along the years in writing the papers that broke ground or in the events that facilitated conversations with peers, policymakers or the general public.
This second issue of the SRC magazine can be read online or downloaded as a PDF.